Monthly Archive August 2022


22nd Sunday Ordinary Time

The African Community Picnic
Lots of great activities going on at Our Lady. The African Community Picnic was a huge success with lots of good food and fun. They served steak and wine and many African dishes. The kids had fun playing with bubble, and bounce house and many new friendships were formed. Thank you Father Coleman for initiating this event and the food and wine you donated!


City Wide Mass and Adoration is sponsored by the Columbus Catholic Renewal, an approved Apostolate of the Diocese under the authority of Bishop Fernandes. Many from the diocese came to Adore Christ in the Miracle of the Mass and Adoration. The sketch was done by attendee Rachel Hazel.


Twenty Second Sunday Ordinary Time

 For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” Luke 14:11

Mass tomorrow, Monday, 9:00 am for feast day of St John the Evangelist
RCIA and PSR sessions will begin in September on Sunday, September 11
Exodus Bible Study Sundays after Mass 11:15. Register in West Lobby.
New Youth Group coming, headed up by Gabriel Shroyer, OSU, St Paul Outreach Missionary. We will keep you posted on who, what, where , when…
Ladies Euchre Club starting soon, check out bulletin for announcement. 
New Prayer line: We are looking for people who would like to pray for our parish community. It is easy to add these intention to your Rosary or throughout your day as you think of them. Just think, your church community praying for you when emergencies, health concerns or other issues arise. If you would like to help out please click on button below to connect an email request to be a prayer warrior. Sandy Trammer is heading this up.

Prayer Warrior Sign Up Email





21st Sunday of Ordinary Time

Saturday August 20th-10:00 am Jack Mason Funeral
Sunday August 21st- 11:15 am All Ministry Leaders Meeting
(No Sunday Bible Study)
Monday August 22nd 9:00 am Mass Queenship of Mary
Monday August 22nd- 10:00 am John Piras Funeral
August 27th 9:00 am Mass & Praise Adoration til 11:30 All Welcome
August 27th- 5:00 pm African Picnic (Everyone Welcome)

Jack Mason Obituary

John Piras Obituary


Please help us make our goal! Every donation helps.
Goal:                      $34,417.22
Current Pledges:   $31,704.35
To Meet Goal:          $2,712.87
Use button below to pledge directly to the Diocese. 

BAA donate







Jack Mason and John Piras

The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack. In green pastures he makes me lie down; to still waters he leads me; he restores my soul.





Check your email Funeral Saturday

We need you to join us for the funeral of Jack Mason on Saturday at 10am. Please let me know if you can come. Thanks!-Anne