Monthly Archive May 2023


Pentecost Sunday



Happy birthday to the Catholic Church! Happy birthday to you, who are the body of the Church!We’re all familiar with our own birthdays, and we celebrate them because they mark the day of the year in which we entered into this life. But did you know you have a second birthday?Because you are part of the body of the Church, Pentecost is the Church’s birthday, and yours as well. And like any birthday, it’s a cause for celebration.The word Pentecost is Greek and it means “50th day.” Fifty days after Easter Sunday, we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and their followers, and the beginning of their Earthly ministry to make disciples of all nations.

More Info




Daily Readings



Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

As of today the Diocese has made an announcement that Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal will close in the future, at a presently,  undetermined time. We as a church family were advised today as you were. Please continue to come and we will give more information as it is received. If reporters approach you, please refer them to the Communications Department of the Diocese of Columbus. Please pray for our church and parishioners!


Father Coleman’s Retirement Party

Please Register
Catered Event, Thank You!

Father James Coleman’s Retirement Party

Saturday, June 17, 2023
5:30pm to 8:30pm

Church of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
5225 Refugee Road, Columbus, Ohio 43232

Hosted by Church Of Our Lady Parishioners

Message from the Host

Retirement Party for Father Coleman. 
Please RSVP  by June 3rd,  so we know how much food to prepare.
We are planning to give Fr. Jim a new car as a thank you gift for his years of service.
If you would like to help toward the cost of the car, you can write a Check made out to:
Fr. James Coleman  (not to the church) (with Car noted in memo line)
#1. Drop in the 2nd Collection at weekend masses  or
#2. Mail your check to : 
Church of Our Lady 
Attn: Fr. James Coleman
5225 Refugee Rd. 
Columbus, OH  43232
(closing date for car contributions is June 11)
When using the Register Button Below, Please go to site and open envelope!



Father James Coleman’s Retirement Party

Saturday, June 17
5:30pm to 8:30pm

Church of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
5225 Refugee Road
Columbus, Ohio 43232
Hosted by Church Of Our Lady Parishioners
Come to the Retirement Party for Father Coleman.
Please RSVP by June 3rd, so we know how much food to
We are planning to give Fr. Jim a new car as a “thank you” gift for his
years of service.

If you would like to help toward the cost of the car,
you can write a check made out to:
Fr. James Coleman (not to the church) (with Car noted in memo line)
#1. Drop in the 2nd Collection at weekend masses or
#2. Mail your check to :
Church of Our Lady
Attn: Fr. James Coleman
5225 Refugee Rd.
Columbus, OH 43232

(closing date for car contributions is June 11)

Father James Coleman’s Retirement Party