The office will be closed December 30 to January 3 due to the holiday and vacation time of the staff.
Live Stream Mass
Christ Eve Masses at 4pm & 10 pm
Music for the Christmas Eve 10:00 pm Mass starts at 9:40 pm!
Christmas Day Masses 10 am & 1:30 pm-French
Live Stream Mass
Christ Eve Masses at 4pm & 10 pm
Christmas Day Masses 10 am & 1:30 pm-French
Live Stream Mass
Christmas Decorating—Tomorrow— Sunday, December 22 — TIME CHANGE!! We have had a last-minute change in the schedule—the 1:30 pm French Mass has been moved to Christmas Day at 1:30 pm! We can begin our decorating after the 11:30 Bible Study! We anticipate starting at 1:00 to 1:15 pm with the setting up the trees, manger scene and all the flowers. Please plan to join us and stay for the pizza party which follows our decorating! ( Announced as in bulletin)
There will not be a Sunday French Mass this week. The French Mass will be on Christmas Day at 1:30 pm. Please come and bring a friend.
Wow, that was a huge amount of food donated. Thank you!
Adult Ed This Week
SPECIAL BIBLE STUDY—Tomorrow-SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22 AT 11:30AM –The Jewish Roots of Christmas By Dr. Brant Pitre Come join us to dispel all the myths about Christmas and how everything is prefigured in the Old Testament!
Evangelization Postcardsand MailingsThank you to all who helped with the door hangers. There is a small group going out Monday if you missed and would like to join at Noon til 1. The postcards were mailed, please let us know by replying to this email if you received.
Diocesan Seminarian Fund
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