“When we serve others in His name,
we are serving Him” Matthew 25:34-40 NAB
We are all called to serve one another.
With 45 new families joining the church since the start of the Evangelization Project at Christmas, there is an opportunity for a strong sense of Community to grow and thrive. Through Mass, Adoration, Bible Studies and community events, these families can come together to support one another and strenthen their relationships with each other. It is a perfect time to volunteer. “What you take care of you love,” is a quote floating around out there and it seems to stand true.
We have 50 + student in PSR so far this year!! We have our greatest need right now in PSR for teachers and assistants, The front of the Church has had some major transformation. Please take at look at what John Laibe has done. Yard care, mowing and small tasks of keeping our areas our church appealing to those who are visiting or coming in through RCIA, are great ways to volunteer.
Please see the attached sign up and return by email or put in offertory
Stewardship Sign Up 2024.docx
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