1st Saturday Mass and prayers then
City Wide Adoration
There will be a Holy Hour for Vocations on Friday, November 1st beginning at 11:00AM until prayers are completed! Please join us.
Adult Ed This Week
Sunday, October 27 — Luke #1
Monday, October 28— at 6:30PM—Luke #1
Wednesday, October 30 at 10:30AM—Catholic Letters
ZOOM Meeting # 226 966 6248—Passcode: 80V9a1
ZOOM login has changed; you will need to provide the meeting number and then also the passcode.
Knights’ Memorial Mass November 3 @10 am
Our Lady All Souls’ Mass
November 4 @ 7:00 pm
Community Sunday – Coffee and Donuts
Sponsored by the Men of the Medal
Welcome those you don’t know!
There will be a second collection after Communion for Seminarians education. Or use the Seminarian Support Fund (QR Code)
With the desire to support the ongoing formation of seminarians and future priests in the Diocese of Columbus, the Office of Vocations has established a new annual second collection. The Seminarian Support Fund collection, which marks the beginning of Vocations Awareness Week, will be held November 2-3, 2024. Bishop Earl K. Fernandes is grateful for your ongoing support of the future priests of our diocese. You may donate by scanning the QR code below.
Live Stream Mass
There will be a Holy Hour for Vocations on Friday, November 1st beginning at 11:00AM until prayers are completed! Please join us.
Adult Ed This Week
Sunday, October 27 — Luke #1
Monday, October 28— at 6:30PM—Luke #1
Wednesday, October 30 at 10:30AM—Catholic Letters
ZOOM Meeting # 226 966 6248—Passcode: 80V9a1
ZOOM login has changed; you will need to provide the meeting number and then also the passcode.
Mark your calendar! The Knights’ Memorial Mass will be held on Sunday, November 3rd at the 10:00am Mass. Our annual Memorial Mass for those who passed in the previous 12 months will be at 7:00pm, Monday, November 4.
From the Diocese
Fall Vocal Training Workshop (Info only)
We are pleased to announce the Fall Vocal Training Workshop to be held at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church in Powell, Ohio! This vocal training will be geared toward those who are cantors, but anyone wishing to grow their musical skill is welcome to attend! Come join us to gain confidence in your singing and leadership abilities on November 2 from 1-3 p.m. at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church. Register by emailing Dawn Beckman at rtbddb@aol.com. A $10 donation is suggested.
Seminarian Support Fund (QR Code)
With the desire to support the ongoing formation of seminarians and future priests in the Diocese of Columbus, the Office of Vocations has established a new annual second collection. The Seminarian Support Fund collection, which marks the beginning of Vocations Awareness Week, will be held November 2-3, 2024. Bishop Earl K. Fernandes is grateful for your ongoing support of the future priests of our diocese. You may donate by scanning the QR code below.
Live Stream Mass
There is a scam email that says it is from Father Sunder. Father Sunder is not in need of urgent assistance. Please do not open the email or reply to the email. Thank you! Cheryl Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Secretary
Adult Ed This Week
Sunday, October 20 — Mark #14
Monday, October 21— at 6:30PM—Luke #1
Wednesday, October 23 at 10:30AM—Catholic Letters
ZOOM Meeting # 226 966 6248
Passcode: 80V9a1
Mark your calendar! The Knights’ Memorial Mass will be held on Sunday, November 3rd at the 10:00am Mass. Our annual Memorial Mass for those who passed in the previous 12 months will be at 7:00pm, Monday, November 4.
From the Diocese
Fall Vocal Training Workshop (Info only)
We are pleased to announce the Fall Vocal Training Workshop to be held at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church in Powell, Ohio! This vocal training will be geared toward those who are cantors, but anyone wishing to grow their musical skill is welcome to attend! Come join us to gain confidence in your singing and leadership abilities on November 2 from 1-3 p.m. at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church. Register by emailing Dawn Beckman at rtbddb@aol.com. A $10 donation is suggested.
Seminarian Support Fund (QR Code)
With the desire to support the ongoing formation of seminarians and future priests in the Diocese of Columbus, the Office of Vocations has established a new annual second collection. The Seminarian Support Fund collection, which marks the beginning of Vocations Awareness Week, will be held November 2-3, 2024. Bishop Earl K. Fernandes is grateful for your ongoing support of the future priests of our diocese. You may donate by scanning the QR code below.
Melchizedek Project
Wednesday, 10/16, 7:15pm | Rectoryat St Francis deSales
Vocations discernment continues while Fr. Dave is away with support from Dr. Born and Fr. Brandimarti. If you have questions about vocations or the discernment process, please consider checking out this opportunity to meet with other young men in the same boat. Contact us with advance questions.
Live Stream Mass