Yearly Archive 2024


Men of Medal and Knights and All Committee and PC

Upcoming Events


All Committees/ Parish Council Meeting
Sunday: 11:15 am





9 Day Novena for Life starts Tuesday, January 16th! Handouts in the lobby or click the button below to sign up for emails. 

Novena for Life

Face BookLivestream




Connnie Schaefer


Please pray for the repose of the soul of Parishioner, Connie Schaefer




Text and Email Scams

This is a post from Seton: Father Connolly, our priest administrator.Hi Everyone, The scammers are still hard at work and now also sending text messages. Please also ignore these texts messages and you can also delete/report/block them in your phone. We are aware that texts and emails circulate trying to impersonate Fr. Leo or parish staff. This seems to be a regular occurrence every few weeks. Please be sure that you are checking the text and email address that is in the “from” field and not just the name if you receive an email from Fr. Leo or a staff member at Seton Parish. Many of these texts and emails look very real and often say something like “Hi this is Fr. Leo can you contact me right away.” or “We need to discuss something important please respond.” If you respond to the text or email, the scammers are very convincing at getting your money. Please do not respond to the text or email. If you are unsure check with the parish office and we can verify if Fr. Leo needs to speak to you about anything. Fr. Leo will only communicate parish business from the following email addresses: and and he will never ask for money, gift cards, wire transfers or anything else through email or text or phone. The fake email and text addresses have been reported. Other than reporting email addresses, there is nothing else that we can do to stop this so please be on alert. Never give money of any kind through an email or phone request. At Seton Parish we ask you to give through secure online giving (weshare) or weekly envelopes, but never through email or phone. Please be on alert to protect yourself and if you are unsure contact the parish office.Sincerely,Fr. Leo and the Seton Parish StaffPlease note that Father Coleman, our previous pastor would not ask for you for financial help or gift cards either. Please do not respond to the text or email from Father Coleman asking for help. If you are unsure call Our Lady and talk to one of our staff. 614-861-1242


Decorations and Baptism of the Lord


Epiphany Mass and Pizza Party


Our Thanks to Mary Bishel for heading up the decorating crew for Christmas!
Also to the many who helped, including the Knights of Columbus.
The Christmas season end at the Baptism of Our Lord, so we are seeking people to help tomorrow at 5:00 to take down the trees and Nativity. 
Please come to help if you can. Thank you!


Thank you Christmas Decorators!