Lenten Soup Supper is Friday after Stations. Please click RSVP button so we know how much food to prepare
Thank you Knights of Columbus for all the Best Fish Fries year after year, and all the money donated to the church. May God continue to bless the Knights and all they do for the Glory of God!
What if we woke up tomorrow with only the things we were grateful for today?
Adult Ed This Week
Sunday, March 9 —Gospel of John Monday, March 10 at 6:30PM —Gospel of John Wednesday March 12 at 10:30AM—New Program
ZOOM Meeting # 226 966 6248—Passcode: 80V9a1
Mark your calendars!
On Thursday, March 20, Fr. Sunder Ery will celebrate his 25th anniversary in the priesthood. There will be a Mass at 7:00pm followed by a reception at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, 600 Hill Road, Pickerington, OH. All are invited to attend!
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