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Phone Lines Out until tomorrow.

Our phone lines will be out until tomorrow. We had a new internet line buried and they are not working now. Please respond to this email if you are in need of something, and Cheryl will reply. Thank you and God Bless. 


Parish School of Religeon News

Please read if you have children or grand children and you would like to register them for our Parish School of Religeon. Children need to enroll to receive sacraments.  There is a fillable registration form at the bottom. For children to be enrolled we need to have the family registered. Please call the office to register or fill out a form after Mass in the west lobby at church.
Thank you and God Bless.
A message from our PSR Director: Carolyn Mack

Dear PSR Parents,
This is a reminder, please put it in your calendars these dates..  PSR starts on Sunday September 22, after the 10:00 Mass. 
There is a family meeting Sunday, August 11th after the 10:00 Mass.  It is important that all parents who have children 
participating in the PSR program in the coming year attend. 
Parents of first graders, please get your children registered as soon as possible. It’s imperative that I know the number of students I have in each grade level so that I can plan accordingly. Also if your student is not registered in the PSR Program please register them as soon as possible.
Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you all at the meeting.

God Bless!
Carolyn Mack

Registration Form


Psalm 100:2: “Serve the Lord with gladness”

“When we serve others in His name,
we are serving Him” Matthew 25:34-40 NAB

We are all called to serve one another. 
With 45 new families joining the church since the start of the Evangelization Project at Christmas, there is an opportunity for a strong sense of Community to grow and thrive. Through Mass, Adoration, Bible Studies and community events, these families can come together to support one another and strenthen their relationships with each other. It is a perfect time to volunteer. “What you take care of you love,” is a quote floating around out there and it seems to stand true. 
We have 50 + student in PSR so far this year!! We have our greatest need right now in PSR for teachers and assistants, The front of the Church has had some major transformation. Please take at look at what John Laibe has done. Yard care, mowing and small tasks of keeping our areas our church appealing to those who are visiting or coming in through RCIA, are great ways to volunteer. 
Please see the attached sign up and return by email or put in offertory  

Stewardship Sign Up 2024.docx


National Eucharistic Revival Update

The Year of Mission
We are now in the Year of Mission for the National Eucharistic Revival. What does that mean and where do we go from here? 
At The National Level
The National Eucharistic Congress has provided several resources for individuals and parishes for you to Become a Eucharistic Missionary, Walk with One, and access the Year of Mission Playbook. 
If you were not able to attend or would like access to the content from the National Eucharistic Congress the videos will be available in a couple weeks and you can pre-order access here. EWTN also has free access to several of the main sessions and Masses that you can begin watching now. 
The National Eucharistic Procession will continue with an annual procession. In 2025, there will be one route beginning in Indiana traveling to California, arriving on the feast of Corpus Christi. The next National Eucharistic Congress is being planned for 2033. 
At The Local Level
Bishop Earl K. Fernandes will be leading a Novena at the Basilica & National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, Ohio from August 6 – 14. Bishop Fernandes will lead the Novena Procession each day and will celebrate several Masses throughout the 9 days. 
Daily Novena Procession with Bishop Fernandes in Carey
August 6 – 10, 12 & 13, 8:00 pm
August 11 & 14, 2:00 pm
Mass with Bishop Fernandes in Carey 
(please note these are subject to change)
August 8, 11:00 am (Spanish)
August 10, 5:00 pm
August 14, 11:00 am
August 14, 9:00 pm Candlelight Procession and Mass


Pilgrimage to the Basilica & National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation 
Carey, Ohio Wednesday, August 14, 2024
To mark this year of going out on mission during the National Eucharistic Revival, the Catholic Bishops of Ohio invite all the faithful to make a pilgrimage to Carey, Ohio, for the Vigil of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Join bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated religious, and lay faithful from across the state on Wednesday, August 14, beginning at 9 p.m. for a candlelight rosary procession with the Miraculous Statue of Our Lady of Consolation from the Basilica Shrine to the Shrine Park followed by Holy Mass at the outdoor Altar in the Shrine Park. 

God was showing the marvel of His creation to 60,000 people!


Donate to Our Lady

Carey Pilgrimage

Appeal Donation