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22nd Sunday Ordinary Time


Evangelization Project
Post cards with this on the front and church and Mass information on the back are being mailed to 1000 people in 43232 zip code who register as Catholic.  We hope to evangelize the fallen away Catholics or those who received Sacraments but need a refresher. 
Teams will go out after the 9:30 First Saturday Mass on September 7th. You will be paired with an experienced person. We need to know by Tuesday how many are willing to participate in this effort so we know how many Door Hangers we need to print. If you have questions, call Pat Shroyer at 614-886-8266. Since we started this effort at Christmas, we have 45 NEW Families register at Our Lady. We are hoping for 40 people ( 20 Teams).
Josie Boston and Ann Carney have taken the initiave seriously and are going out in Ann’s neighborhood for 1 hour each week to place door hangers. Others can do this as well. 
Please welcome new people! 



Adult Ed This Week Sunday, September 1 — Gospel of Mark #8 Monday, September 2—Labor Day– No Bible Study Wednesday, September 4 at 10:30 AM—Catholic Letters ZOOM Meeting # 226 966 6248—Passcode: 80V9a1 ZOOM has changed login for our meetings. You will now have to provide the meeting number and then also the passcode.


Live Stream Mass


September 2024 Pilgrimage Itinerary (9) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1).docxSeptember Pilgrimage Letter (1) (1).docx


20th Sunday Ordinary Time


This Saturday City Wide starts at 9 am and ends at Noon.
Jesus is the main event!
9:00 am Mass
9:30- 10:30 am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
English and French Confessions available during Adoration
Praise music during Adoration.
10:30 Guest Speaker: Gabriel Shroyer speaking on, speaking on “Sharing the good news.
11:00 Potluck:Please bring a dish to share!
at Church of Our Lady
Call Patrick for questions: 614-886-8266
Columbus Catholic Renewal is under the authority of
Reverend Bishop Earl K. Fernandes, with Fr. Patrick Tone as Liaison.


La messe française du dimanche est annulée ce mois-ci.Le père Jude qui servira notre communauté française est encore en train de s’installer. Veuillez lui souhaiter la bienvenue. Je vous enverrai une photo lorsque j’en recevrai une.Il devrait être prêt pour la messe française du 25 août.Sunday French Mass is Cancelled this month.Father Jude who will be serving our French Community is still settling in. Please welcome him. I will send a picture when I receive one. He should be ready for the French Mass on August 25th.


Feast of the Assumption Holy Day today!

Holy Day Masses today Thursday, for the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary, at 9:30 am and 7pm.


19th Sunday Ordinary Time

Celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Holy Day: Solemnity of the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Thursday, 8/15, 9:30am and 7:00pm Masses
Celebrated every year, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary commemorates the death of Mary and her bodily assumption into Heaven, before her body could begin to decay—a foretaste of our own bodily resurrection at the end of time.

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