“When we serve others in His name,
we are serving Him” Matthew 25:34-40 NAB
We are all called to serve one another.
With 45 new families joining the church since the start of the Evangelization Project at Christmas, there is an opportunity for a strong sense of Community to grow and thrive. Through Mass, Adoration, Bible Studies and community events, these families can come together to support one another and strenthen their relationships with each other. It is a perfect time to volunteer. “What you take care of you love,” is a quote floating around out there and it seems to stand true.
We have 50 + student in PSR so far this year!! We have our greatest need right now in PSR for teachers and assistants, The front of the Church has had some major transformation. Please take at look at what John Laibe has done. Yard care, mowing and small tasks of keeping our areas our church appealing to those who are visiting or coming in through RCIA, are great ways to volunteer.
Please see the attached sign up and return by email or put in offertory
Stewardship Sign Up 2024.docx
The Year of Mission
We are now in the Year of Mission for the National Eucharistic Revival. What does that mean and where do we go from here?
At The National Level
The National Eucharistic Congress has provided several resources for individuals and parishes for you to Become a Eucharistic Missionary, Walk with One, and access the Year of Mission Playbook.
If you were not able to attend or would like access to the content from the National Eucharistic Congress the videos will be available in a couple weeks and you can pre-order access here. EWTN also has free access to several of the main sessions and Masses that you can begin watching now.
The National Eucharistic Procession will continue with an annual procession. In 2025, there will be one route beginning in Indiana traveling to California, arriving on the feast of Corpus Christi. The next National Eucharistic Congress is being planned for 2033.
At The Local Level
Bishop Earl K. Fernandes will be leading a Novena at the Basilica & National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, Ohio from August 6 – 14. Bishop Fernandes will lead the Novena Procession each day and will celebrate several Masses throughout the 9 days.
Daily Novena Procession with Bishop Fernandes in Carey
August 6 – 10, 12 & 13, 8:00 pm
August 11 & 14, 2:00 pm
Mass with Bishop Fernandes in Carey
(please note these are subject to change)
August 8, 11:00 am (Spanish)
August 10, 5:00 pm
August 14, 11:00 am
August 14, 9:00 pm Candlelight Procession and Mass
Pilgrimage to the Basilica & National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation
Carey, Ohio Wednesday, August 14, 2024
To mark this year of going out on mission during the National Eucharistic Revival, the Catholic Bishops of Ohio invite all the faithful to make a pilgrimage to Carey, Ohio, for the Vigil of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Join bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated religious, and lay faithful from across the state on Wednesday, August 14, beginning at 9 p.m. for a candlelight rosary procession with the Miraculous Statue of Our Lady of Consolation from the Basilica Shrine to the Shrine Park followed by Holy Mass at the outdoor Altar in the Shrine Park.
God was showing the marvel of His creation to 60,000 people!
Donate to Our Lady
Carey Pilgrimage
Appeal Donation
17th Sunday inOrdinary Time
Adoration at the National Eucharistic Congress (Pictures from Seton Parish)
During the opening ceremony, the four pilgrimage routes processed in with a picture of the Saint their route was named after, you can see the pictures placed around the altar. Each route was met with great cheers from the crowd. Then Bishop Andrew Cozzens processed in with Jesus present in the large monstrance that was blessed last year by Pope Francis for the Congress. Then the entire stadium spent the next hour in adoration of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
There were many spotlights on the altar while Jesus was exposed during adoration, but the larger brighter beams of light came from the sun. It was a powerful sight to behold as God’s own creation provided the brightest spotlight!
God was showing the marvel of His creation to 60,000 people!
Donate to Our Lady
Carey Pilgrimage
Appeal Donation
Father Cyprian is Going to Calvary CanadaLe Père Cyprien se rend auCalvaire Canada
Father Cyprian is a missionary priest and will be transferred to Calvary, Cananda. We have loved his homilies, good humor, warm smile, drums and organ music, but God needs him in Canada where he can share the Gospel with English, French, and Spanish speaking people. We will miss him.
There will be a Farewell potluck luncheon for Fr. Cyprian following the French Mass this Sunday. We are sorry for the last minute announcement, but it was just announced at Mass 2 weeks ago.The French Mass is at 1:30 on this coming Sunday and the potluck will will be at 3:30.
This celebration is sponsored by the African Community. Please bring a dish to share!
There will be a French Speaking priest coming to celebrate our French Masses.
Le Père Cyprian est un prêtre missionnaire et sera transféré au Calvaire, au Canada. Nous avons aimé ses homélies, sa bonne humeur, son sourire chaleureux, sa batterie et son orgue, mais Dieu a besoin de lui au Canada où il peut partager l’Évangile avec les anglophones, les francophones et les hispanophones. Il nous manquera.
Il y aura un déjeuner d’adieu pour le Père Cyprian après la messe en français ce dimanche. Nous sommes désolés pour cette annonce de dernière minute, mais elle a été annoncée à la messe il y a deux semaines. La messe en français aura lieu à 13h30 ce dimanche et le repas-partage aura lieu à 15h30.
Cette célébration est sponsorisée par la communauté africaine. Merci d’apporter un plat à partager !
Un prêtre francophone viendra célébrer nos messes en français.
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