There was a large plater sittin out y the West entrance getting sun and water in prepartion for Pentecost Mass. It was probably mistaken for a plant that we were giving away, but we still need it. If you happened to pick it up with that thought in mind, please do not be embarrassed, but just drop it off at the rectory or over by the West lobby doors at the church. We thank everyone for all the flower donations over the years and we thank Mary Bishel, Elaine, and Anne for alll the time and effort to keep the altar looking good.
Men of the Medal
Meets Saturday May 11th from 9-11 in the PSR room. Continental Breakfast provided. All men and young men of the parish are invited. This is a great opportunity to grow in your faith and build friendships with other like minded men. For more information call Pat Shroyer 614-886-8266.
“As Iron Sharpens Iron so One Man Sharpens Another”. Prov
America Needs Fatima!
Join us in Church of Our Lady at 3:20 pm Saturday, May 11, to pray the rosary to capture the heart and soul of America with the Message of Our Lady of Fatima. The message? If the world does not return to God, there will be much suffering, famines, immorality, and wars. Today, Our Lady’smessage is timelier than ever in light of so many sins, of so many turning away from the Faith. Our Lady promised, “Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph”.Join our prayers for the world. If you can’t make it on the 11th please join us in praying the rosary at home. (See the EWTN video below.)
EWTN Worldwide Rosary Banquet to Our Lady of Fatima
Coming May 19th
STUDENT VOLUNTEERS are welcome this summer. Please call the office to register. 614-861-1242. Hours sent to schools.
May 12 Mother’s Day and May Crowning After 10:00 Mass
May 6: Confirmation at Seton Parish: Monday evening at 7pm
June 7: First Communion at the 10 am Mass
Seminarian Fund
Appeal Kickoff : May 4 & 5
EWTN Worldwide Rosary Banquet to Our Lady of Fatima
Community Sunday Today: Coffee and Donuts, Meet someone new and introduce yourself and welcome them to our parish family.
May 10 Mother’s Day flower order Pick up from 3:00-6:00 pm
May 12 Mother’s Day and May Crowning
May 6: Confirmation at Seton Parish: Monday evening at 7pm
June 7: First Communion at the 10 am Mass
Seminarian Fund
Upcoming important DatesAnnual Appeal kick off is May 4 &5Confirmation for Our Lady @ Seton May 6 @ 7May 11 Fatima Rosary at Our Lady @ 3:25 May Crowning and Mothers Day May 12Flower sale this weekend, Pick up May 10 @ 6Pentecost May 19 African Food Fundraiser May 19 after Mass
Annual Appeal Donation
The Council recently learned that our very own brother Knight, Emmett Saylor, was chosen to take part in mission #129 of Honor Flight Columbus! He will be flying out and returning from Washington DC on Thursday, March 28th. He will be returning along with his other fellow veterans around 9 PM at John Glenn International Airport Terminal B. All family and friends are invited to come and welcome him back as a line is formed to clap, give handshakes, or hugs to show our sincere appreciation for the veteran’s service and give them the welcoming home they deserve.
A Good and Growing Need, Seminarian Fund
Seminarian Fund
OrderCatholic Times