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Diocese Updates

Confessions being heard Wednesday after the 9:30 am Mass

A great family event!
Good Friday Way of the Cross with Bishop Earl K. Fernandes 
Please join us in walking the Way of the Cross though downtown Columbus on Good Friday, March 29th, led by Bishop Fernandes. The procession will begin at 2pm, directly following the Good Friday service in the Cathedral, and will conclude at 4pm. The route begins on the Cathedral steps and has 5 stops throughout downtown, where people carry their crosses every day. Each stop will have moments of readings, music and poetry. The Way of the Cross is organized by the lay ecclesial movement, Communion and Liberation. For more information, please contact Alessandro at



Spreading the Good News! 1000 Evangelization Project Postcards Sent in 43232 Zip Code!


Pope Francis has asked our parish to support the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, which helps Christians in the      Holy Land.
Your support helps the church minister in parishes, provide Catholic schools and offer religiouseducation. The Pontifical Good Friday Collection also helps to preserve thesacred shrines.The pandemic hit particularly hard the Christians in the Holy Land. Most ofthem depend on pilgrimages to work. In these times of crisis, the PontificalGood Friday Collection is also necessary to meet the basic needs of the Peopleof God still living in this Land where the Church was born.When you contribute to the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, you become aninstrument of peace and join with Catholics around the world in solidarity withthe Church in the Holy Land.PLEASE BE GENEROUS!For more information about Christians in the Holy Land,


Reminder: Confession tonight at Seton

Just a reminder Seton has confession tonight until 7 pm


Palm Sunday Weekend


Last Fish Fry this Year!

Special Bible Study for Lent!The Jewish Roots of Holy Week – A two-part Lenten series by Dr.Brant Pitrie, following the 10:00am Mass. Week 1 (March 17): Palm Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday. Week 2 (March 24): Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday. Come and enrichyour understanding of Holy Week.Presented by our Adult Bible Study program.


Evangelization project!
Saturday, March 23 at 10:00 am Takes about 2 hours. 
We have had 20 new families register since just before Christmas when we did our last door hangers!
Please join us as we walk to neighboring homes to invite people back to the church. It’s fun and you get to know fellow parishioners as you set out to bring the good news, “the Great Commission”.
Please click on the Evangelization Project button below to let us know you would like to help.





OrderCatholic Times

